Covert Warriors: Supporting Former Covert Officers and Their Families

Covert Warriors is a prestigious organization founded by Gregory Keough, a highly respected former Covert Operations Officer with the Central Intelligence Agency. As one of the few living recipients of the Intelligence Star, Keough understands the unique challenges faced by covert officers and their families when transitioning out of government service.

Unlike other organizations, Covert Warriors is an invite-only group specifically designed to cater to the needs of former covert officers and their families. Our mission is to provide comprehensive emotional, legal, and monetary counseling and support to these officers who have served their country with honor.

Supporting Covert Officers and Their Families

At Covert Warriors, we recognize that the transition from covert operations to civilian life can be daunting. Many officers face numerous life-changing challenges, and our organization aims to alleviate some of the burdens they may encounter.

Emotional Support

Transitioning out of government service can be emotionally challenging for covert officers and their families. Covert Warriors offers a network of support, connecting individuals with others who have shared similar experiences. Through group discussions, counseling services, and mentorship programs, we aim to provide a safe and understanding environment for our members.

Legal Assistance

Covert officers often face unique legal issues that require specialized knowledge and expertise. Our organization collaborates with experienced legal professionals who can provide guidance and representation in matters such as security clearance, privacy concerns, and employment rights. We strive to ensure that our members receive the legal support they need to navigate these complex situations.

Monetary Counseling and Support

Financial stability is crucial for covert officers and their families during the transition period. Covert Warriors offers monetary counseling to help members manage their finances effectively. Additionally, we provide financial assistance in cases of extreme need, ensuring that our members can meet their basic needs and maintain a stable lifestyle.

Joining Covert Warriors

Covert Warriors is an exclusive organization open only to former covert operators and their families. If you have served as a covert officer and are seeking support and guidance, we invite you to apply for membership. Our application process ensures that we maintain a close-knit community of individuals who have shared similar experiences and can provide valuable support.

By joining Covert Warriors, you gain access to a network of individuals who understand the challenges you face and can provide the necessary support to help you navigate your post-government service life. Together, we strive to ensure that no covert officer or their family feels alone or unsupported.

Covert Warriors is committed to honoring the dedication and sacrifice of covert officers by providing them with the resources they need to thrive in their civilian lives. If you are a former covert operator or a family member seeking assistance, we are here to support you every step of the way.’

About Gregory Keough

Founded by Gregory Keough to help support officers and their families through difficult moments.

Gregory Keough is a former covert Operations Officer of the Central Intelligence Agency. He is one of the few living recipients of the CIA’s Intelligence Star a distinction awarded by the Director of the CIA for actions of “extraordinary heroism”.




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