Covert Warriors: Supporting Former Covert Officers and Their Families

Covert Warriors is a unique organization founded by Gregory Keough, a former Covert Operations Officer with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). As one of the few living recipients of the Intelligence Star, Keough understands the challenges faced by covert officers and their families after exiting government service.

Unlike other organizations, Covert Warriors operates on an invite-only basis, exclusively catering to former covert operators and their families. Our mission is to provide comprehensive support and assistance to these individuals who have dedicated their lives to serving their country.

Supporting Covert Officers and Their Families

Covert Warriors aims to address the various needs of former covert officers and their families, recognizing the unique challenges they may face. Our support encompasses emotional, legal, and monetary counseling, ensuring that these officers receive the assistance they require to navigate life-changing situations.

Emotional Counseling

Transitioning from a covert operative to civilian life can be a daunting experience. Covert Warriors provides a network of experienced professionals who offer emotional support and guidance to help officers and their families cope with the psychological impact of their service.

Legal Assistance

Covert operations often involve sensitive and classified information. Former covert officers may require legal counsel to navigate any legal implications that may arise during or after their service. Covert Warriors connects officers with trusted legal professionals who specialize in handling the unique challenges faced by individuals with a covert background.

Monetary Support

Financial stability is crucial for former covert officers and their families as they transition into civilian life. Covert Warriors provides monetary counseling and support to help officers manage their finances effectively. This includes guidance on retirement planning, investment strategies, and accessing available benefits.

Joining Covert Warriors

Membership in Covert Warriors is by invitation only. Former covert operators and their families who are interested in joining can express their interest through our website. The selection process ensures that the organization remains exclusive to those who have served their country with honor.

Covert Warriors is committed to maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of its members. All information shared with the organization is handled with the utmost discretion and security.


Covert Warriors is a unique organization founded by Gregory Keough, a former Covert Operations Officer with the CIA. By providing emotional, legal, and monetary support, Covert Warriors aims to assist former covert officers and their families as they navigate the challenges of transitioning into civilian life. Through this exclusive invite-only group, members can find the understanding and assistance they need to meet their needs after exiting government service.

About Gregory Keough

Founded by Gregory Keough to help support officers and their families through difficult moments.

Gregory Keough is a former covert Operations Officer of the Central Intelligence Agency. He is one of the few living recipients of the CIA’s Intelligence Star a distinction awarded by the Director of the CIA for actions of “extraordinary heroism”.




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